
Last animation final results ENDpoiNTs project

Third animation: final results of ENDpoiNTs

The third animation shows the final results of ENDpoiNTs with a focus on the developed test battery for ED-DNT in vitro assays and validation, and biomarkers that predict health risks from chemical exposure, with the final goal to protecting our children's brain development. 

Final results ENDpoiNTs

Second animation: First results ENDpoiNTs project

This second animation shows the first results of the ENDpoiNTs project and introduces the battery of novel testing methods. It also highlights that ENDpoiNTs is developing an open access web platform where all of our results will be stored.

First results ENDpoiNTs

Introduction animation

This is the first of three animations of the ENDpoiNTs project. This first animation shows an overview and the objectives of the project, and the scientific approaches.

Introduction to ENDpoiNTs

Introduction to the ENDpoiNTs project. This first animation shows an overview and the objectives of the project, and the scientific approaches.

The animation is also available with subtitles in the following languages: 


Flyer ENDpoiNTs project

Flyer of the ENDpoiNTs concept and approach